Tuesday 26 June 2012

Are you being made to walk in the sun?

We often plant trees along roads which carry cars, while people walk in the hot sun from building to building. I would think this is quite funny and irrational. It is we, after all, who require the shade, not the dumb car which zooms along a road carrying passengers in air-conditioned glory!

We find this happening more and more in campuses too, where managers frequently talk about staff benefits, at least as a recruitment tool. The natural question is, do we have an alternative? We could have nice pathways well laid out, running from block to block, from building to building. We could line them with hedges and trees nicely en-framing the view of the grass and the garden. And then we could be walking in the cool shade all the while! 

It is those in colder climates like that of US and Europe who require the Sun, and the soft warmth that it brings with it there. We, in the dry hot tropics require shade. Companies which come here and open offices and branches with the temperate region's designs and ideas are obviously letting their egos make their choices, and not giving reason a chance.

Companies and people here could make a difference. They could at least, to begin with, accept the fact that global warming is an issue, and identify with those who are fighting it. They could begin by planting a few trees on their campuses and then let you all walk in the shade. After all, charity begins at home it is said. We could, in turn, afford to gain some goodwill and some carbon credits for a greater common good!

So the question is, can we make a difference? Can we bring about change? Scientists are warning us that we might have a North Pole without ice one of these years. Poor Santa has to use oars or his power boat. Reindeers would not even have a place to stand or draw his sledge. So what fables are we going to tell the children? Do we create a Swimming Santa? Do we tell all the people that they need to grow trees to keep their fables alive? Do take this message to them. Tell them we could be keeping their fables alive and also help keep the ice under their feet!



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